S6. Episode 9: Keeping the Spark Alive

How can you keep the spark alive in your relationship? Well, it takes more than just flowers and chocolate. Tune in as Corey and Tracy discuss spark killers, time blocking, question cards, and tough or fluff. And, hear their thoughts on vulnerability, wellness checks, gratitude, surprises, and intimacy. While there are many ways to keep that spark, Tracy is more of a love poem, talk about everything in the relationship, kind of partner, whereas Corey enjoys making new memories and having adventures in her relationships. One thing they both agree on is the 555 approach: 5 thoughtful questions, 5 gratitude statements, and 5 touches a day.

Show Notes:

  • Love Languages-Learn about Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages and how you like to give and receive love.
  • Marriage Fitness-Download an audiobook and worksheets on making and keeping your relationship fit. Good for long-term unmarried partners as well.
  • Amazing Race-Learn more about the reality show that inspired Corey’s epic adventure.
  • True Detective-Check out this series about police investigations.
  • The Science of Happiness-Learn more about GG101x: The Science of Happiness Certificate at BerkeleyX.